Scala Developer
A collection of articles, blog posts and other resources I consider interesting, educational or otherwise worth visiting.
I do not necessarily condone any of the views expressed in the links. I found these links through a variety of means so don’t consider a link to
as evidence that I regularly browse or support that website.
For ease of reading longer articles I would suggest using Mercury Reader for Chrome or Firefox Reader View. Superscript content warnings have been added to articles that cover more extreme topics such as violence or abuse.
“The Door Problem” - What does a game designer do?
The GIF Is Dead. Long Live the GIF.
An explanation of the electronics underlying computers
A simple explanation of Stack Smaching
Talking About Diversity: Marginalization
How to Write a Git Commit Message
Torching the Modern-Day Library of Alexandria
Technically Female: Women, Machines, and Hyperemployment
Falsehoods Programmers Believe about Names
How many of you know deep down that the team is working on something that no customer wants?
7 minutes, 26 seconds, and the Fundamental Theorem of Agile Software Development
Cultural appropriation is a toxic concept
So You Think You Should Respond to That Facebook Post About Race/Gender/Etc
Babybopp on the court system in Georgia
How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life
Being A Girl: A Brief Personal History of Violence [cw: abuse, violence]
A matter of laugh or death [cw: suicide]
Evaporative Cooling of Group Beliefs
On queer aesthetics and not feeling ‘queer enough’
On the Design of Women’s Spaces
What You’re Doing When You Take Labels Away
Sketchcomic - Types of Attraction
The Geek Social Fallacies of Sex
Why I didn’t just call the cops [cw: rape, abuse]
Seducing and Love Bombing [cw: abuse]
I Grew Up in a Polyamorous Household
If You Can See The Invisible Elephant, Please Describe It
Sex Toys Will Never Be Able To Do The Hardest Work For You
Differences between marriage and a wedding
Stolen Children: the parallels between faeries and The Autism
The illustrated guide to a Ph.D.
Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions
If you feel there’s other articles/resources I should check out then please link me them via Twitter or email.
If a link no longer works please email me and I’ll try and get it fixed. In mean time check if took a snapshot of the web page.